CFP last date
28 January 2025
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Call for Paper

JAAI solicits high quality original research papers for the upcoming February Edition of the journal.

Last date of paper submission 28 January 2025

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Please read submission guidelines before submiting manuscript for review.

Policy on Publication Ethics - Ensuring genuine authorship

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Wide global circulation

The Journal of Advanced Artificial Intelligence (JAAI) boasts a wide global circulation, ensuring that cutting-edge research reaches a diverse audience. Our publication network, supported by the Foundation of Computer Science Inc., drives global subscriptions and disseminates research findings to a broad spectrum of readers. Published research is available in most North American and European universities within a week.

Our reach extends to prestigious universities and institutions across North America and Europe, where published research becomes accessible within a week. This swift distribution ensures that scholars, researchers, and practitioners have timely access to the latest advancements in the field of artificial intelligence.

By bridging geographical boundaries, JAAI facilitates the exchange of knowledge and fosters collaboration among the global scientific community. Our commitment to wide circulation underscores our dedication to advancing research and supporting the continuous development of artificial intelligence.

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Latest Innovations and Discoveries

The Journal of Advanced Artificial Intelligence (JAAI) is committed to showcasing groundbreaking research in the field of artificial intelligence. Our "Research Highlights" section features recent significant contributions from leading experts and emerging scholars. Each highlight provides a concise summary of innovative findings, methodologies, and potential applications, offering readers a glimpse into the future of AI.

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Open Access

The Journal of Advanced Artificial Intelligence (JAAI) is an open access journal under the FCS Research publishing program. This allows you the option to publish your article as open access. By choosing open access, your article will be freely accessible online upon publication, thereby enhancing the visibility, readership, and impact of your research.

Why Choose Open Access?

  • Increase Discoverability: Enhance the discoverability and readership of your article.
  • Make an Impact: Reach new readers, not just those with access to a research library.
  • Freely Share: Share your work with anyone, anywhere.
  • Comply with Funding Mandates: Meet the requirements of your institution, employer, or funder.
  • Rigorous Peer Review: Ensure your article undergoes thorough peer review.