CFP last date
28 March 2025
Call for Papers

Submit Your Research in AI, Machine Learning, and Data Science – Now Accepting Submissions

The Journal of Advanced Artificial Intelligence (JAAI) invites researchers, practitioners, and scholars from around the world to submit their original research for our upcoming April edition. This is a unique opportunity to showcase your contributions in the rapidly advancing fields of AI, machine learning, and data science.

Machine learning algorithms, robotics, AI in healthcare, computer vision, and AI ethics

JAAI is dedicated to publishing high-quality, peer-reviewed research that addresses key challenges and emerging trends in AI. Our journal covers a wide range of topics, including but not limited to machine learning algorithms, robotics, AI in healthcare, computer vision, and AI ethics. Whether your work explores fundamental theories or applied AI solutions, we welcome submissions that push the boundaries of what AI can achieve.

Submission deadline for the April edition

The submission deadline for the April edition is 28 March 2025. We encourage authors to submit their manuscripts via our PhDFocusTM Manuscript Submission System , which streamlines the submission process and ensures that your work receives a thorough review. Please note that JAAI follows a double-blind review policy, meaning that both authors and reviewers remain anonymous to each other to promote an unbiased evaluation of the research.

Google Scholar, ProQuest, and NASA ADS

Authors are also encouraged to review the paper template (DOCX and Latex) and ensure that their final, camera-ready papers conform to the journal’s formatting requirements. This step is crucial for ensuring proper indexing and visibility in academic databases such as Google Scholar, ProQuest, and NASA ADS.

For more information, please visit the official call for paper page