CFP last date
28 March 2025

The Model

The Journal of Advanced Artificial Intelligence (JAAI) is a leading journal dedicated to the widespread dissemination of pioneering and original research in the field of artificial intelligence. Over the years, JAAI has published groundbreaking research and shaped publication policies to maximize impact, visibility, and reach within the global research community. JAAI maintains its high standards and extensive research portfolio through:

  • Reasonable pricing
  • Rigorous review processes
  • Author-friendly rights and policies
  • Open access to published research
  • Top-quality editorial support for authors
Rigorous Peer Review

JAAI’s approach to peer review is both inclusive and rigorous, grounded in a merit-based ‘blind’ review process. Reviews are criterion-referenced, and referees are chosen based on their subject matter expertise. This ensures a fair, transparent assessment, while offering constructive feedback to shape the final published paper.

Call for Reviewers

JAAI invites reviewers to help evaluate the vast array of research submitted by scientists and academics worldwide. Learn More.

Commitment to Intellectual Excellence

JAAI’s publishing process is unbiased, focusing on the quality of the research rather than institutional affiliation, career stage, or geographic origin. If a paper meets our high standards and is independently assessed as such, it will be published. This approach allows JAAI to feature a diverse range of innovative research from both renowned institutions and emerging scholars in developing regions, as well as interdisciplinary work that defies easy classification.

Practical Approach

JAAI has adopted a cost-effective, non-commercial model for academic publishing, bridging the gap between high-cost commercial publishing and the idealism of free open access. This practical middle ground ensures that authors and publishers share the publishing and indexing responsibilities, with minimal fees to cover archive maintenance. External funding also supports this model. JAAI’s articles are freely accessible online, bypassing traditional subscription barriers.

JAAI adheres to strict copyright infringement guidelines. If any reader, author, or external agency identifies intellectual property concerns, they can report them to JAAI.

Authors' Rights

Author's Pre-print: Authors are permitted to archive their pre-prints (i.e., versions prior to peer review) in any informal, non-peer-reviewed collections before submitting to JAAI for review.

Author's Post-print: Authors may archive their post-prints (i.e., final drafts after peer review) on their personal web pages or institutional repositories. Authors are encouraged to include full JAAI citations and links to the published articles for proper attribution.

Publisher's Version/PDF: Authors are allowed to make digital or hard copies of their work for personal or classroom use without fees, provided the copies are not used for profit and include the full JAAI citation on the first page. For more details, refer to the JAAI copyright transfer document.